Emoji Emotions

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine today.

As we are focusing on our health and wellbeing this week I thought it would be good to use emojis to get us talking about our feelings. It can be difficult for some people to express how they feel with words, especially kids so this is not only a fun activity but it’s sure to get us talking.  You could start this by asking which emoji represents how they feel.

I hope you have fun.


P1 and A1 24/06/20 – Virtual Sports Week Challenge 3

Good morning everyone!

Hope your preparations for our Virtual Sports Day are going well. We are sure you came up with some interesting and fun activities yesterday to add to the list. Remember to share your ideas with us!

Today’s Challenge is:

  • Design number cards to be worn during the Sports Event. These should include your event name and be a bright and colourful as you can make them. You could even try to make them in the shape of a ball or another piece of sports equipment if you are feeling adventurous!


  • Create certificates or medals to reward the winners of each event. Here are some ideas but try to use your imagination!


Have fun!

Don’t forget to get fresh air and exercise by doing the Daily Mile Challenge when the weather is fair!


Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

Sports Week challenge 3 and 4

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the sports week challenges so far!

Remember to send your videos and scores to us as well!

For today`s challenge you will need:

  • 4 things (e.g. toys, balls, socks)
  • a bucket or a basket
  • a timer

Your task is to put each thing in the corner (one at the time) and then put them back in the bucket (again one at the time). My score was 21 seconds. Can you beat that? 🙂

challenge 3

For the next challenge- egg and spoon race- you will need:

  • an egg or a small ball
  • a spoon
  • a timer

Take two toys and put them more or less 2,5 meters apart from each other.

Have many laps can you do in 20 seconds? I have done 8 laps in 20 seconds. Can you beat that? 🙂

challenge 4

Good luck!

Mrs Brodzka

Sports Week Challenge 2

Good morning Blackburn!

How did you all get on with the challenge yesterday? Remember to send your videos and times over via teams or email.

Todays challenge is performed by Miss McLuckie. You need

  1. as many pairs of socks you can find
  2. a basket or box

Miss McLuckie scores 18 socks in the basket in 30 seconds. Can you beat her?

23/06/20 – A1 and P1 Virtual Sports Week Challenge 2

Good Morning everyone!

We loved seeing some of your sports day posters yesterday!  Keep them coming!  Today, our challenge is to design a schedule for your sports day.

Your Sports Day event must have 10 sporting activities in total.  We will give you ideas for the first 5 but you will need to decide on the other 5 sporting activities that you want to include on your own, or with help from a family member.  You cab watch the first 5 activities being demonstrated by Mrs Bryce’s little girl by clicking on each link below:

  1.  Socks in the Box

Put an empty box or basket down on the ground and take 2 giant steps away from it.  Open your legs wide and bend down then throw balls of socks into the box through your legs.  You will get a point for every ball of socks you get into the box.  Your time limit is 30 seconds.

Socks in a Box Video

2.  Toilet Roll Tower

Sit on the floor with 6 toilet rolls on the floor behind you.  Swivel round on your bottom and using only your feet, build a tower using the toilet rolls in front of you.  Your time limit is 30 seconds and you will get a point for every toilet roll you have in the tower at the end.

3.  Step Ups

Find a step either in your garden or inside your house and see how many steps ups you can do within 30 seconds.  For every full step-up (up, up, down, down) you will receive a point.

Step Ups Video

4.  Bag For Life Race

Forget the sack race… the Bag For Life Race is so much more fun!  Place one shoe on the ground and take 2 giant steps and put your other shoe down.  Stand inside a bag for life, or an old pillow case will do, and see how man times you can jump from shoe to shoe within 30 seconds.  Each time you reach a shoe, you get a point.

Bag for Life Race Video

5.  Star Jumps

Because we think you are all superstars at Blackburn Primary School, we wanted to see how many star jumps you could do in 30 seconds.  Every full star jump (in and out) gets a point.

Now it is your turn… think of 5 more sporting activities for your Sports Day Event.  Write down all of your activities and make a list of any equipment you will need.  Start to gather your equipment, with permission from an adult.

We would love to see your sports day schedule.  Send in photos for us to see!

Have fun!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

A1-P1 Loneliness Awareness Week.

Good Afternoon guys, I hope you are all well!

I know that it’s Health and Well-being week but it is also Loneliness Awareness week which ties in with well- being! There are a lot of people, particularly older people who live alone  who may be feeling lonely, especially at this strange time. I thought it would be really lovely if we all sent a little ‘ smile’ to someone who you think may be feeling lonely.
This can be in the form of lovely picture or letter or whatever you choose.
Another idea could be to use the word ‘SMILE’ and think up a word for each letter that makes you smile. I have done  one below:

I am sending you all a friendly smile!


S-  Sunshine ☀️

M- Music  🎶

I- Ice-cream 🍦

L- Love ❤️

E- Everyone together again!


Good luck everyone and keep smiling !



A1 & P1 Obstacle Course

Good afternoon everyone. It’s the last Monday of home learning before the holidays and the theme for the week is Health & Wellbeing. For our STEM activity I thought we could have a go at making our own obstacle courses from whatever we can find in and around our homes. The weather here is not very nice today so I will need to have an indoor obstacle course, but I’m sure it will be fun no matter where we set it up!

Here are some ideas of Obstacle Courses that have been set up by others, but you can have any activities you like :

  1. jumping from cushion to cushion
  2. walking along a tightrope made from string/wool
  3. crawling through a tunnel, or under a row of chairs, or through a hula hoop
  4. climbing over hurdles made from pillows
  5. balancing a book on your head while walking from one point to another.

The list is endless and I can’t wait to see how creative you can all be! Have fun and remember to post your pictures on Twitter or email them over.

Miss McLuckie

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