Category Archives: A1

A1/P1 Rainbow Sensory Bin Play

Good afternoon guys!

We all love colours and we all love sensory play, well I know my boys in A1 do! Sensory bins can be used for all types of play and learning. Searching for letters and numbers, developing descriptive language and improving fine motor skills are just a few.  We can fill sensory bins with all kinds of things but one of my favourites is rice. I thought we could show our support to our NHS by following the rainbow theme and making our rice fun and colourful.

What you will need:

  •  Rice
  • Vinegar
  • Food Colouring
  • Things to hide in your rice, letters, numbers, stones, toys, anything really.

What to do:

Put a cup of rice in a container, add 1/2 tsp of vinegar and add some food colouring. Put the lid on the container and shake vigorously. Pour the rice onto some kitchen roll to dry and repeat using different colours.  Put rice into a large bowl and add your treasures.




I tried this at home and the rice does take a couple of hours to dry but once you have made  it you can keep in in an air tight tub to use again and again.  Get your grown up to hide some things in the tub, try to guess what they are just by touch.

You could get your grown up to write some numbers on stones and hide them, add the numbers together and tell your grown up the answers. Or just have fun feeling all the different shapes, sizes and textures.


A1 STEM 25/05/20

Good afternoon A1! I hope you are all keeping safe and well and enjoying the sunshine that has made a comeback.

For our STEM activity this week I thought we could build our very own bug hotels. These can be made from using lots of natural materials (such as twigs, leaves, soil,, some grass, pine cones, etc) and placed in a container like an empty plastic bottle that has been cut, or an old shoe box, or even built up on bits of wood. Here are some pictures to help you get creative Bug hotels. I’ll be building one with my little girl too.

Have a lovely afternoon.

Miss McLuckie

A1 Literacy Tasks 25/05/20

Good Morning A1!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and for those celebrating Eid, I hope you had fun celebrating with your family!  Thankfully the sun has come out today… woohoo!

Lets start our day with PE with Joe:

Now, let’s check our timetable to see what are Spelling/Phonics tasks are this morning:

25.05.20 Literacy Timetable

Today we are learning the i sound and the oo sound.

Let’s sing the Jolly Phonics songs:

I will be back after the live assembly with Fischy Music.  Don’t forget to tune in at 11am:

Mrs Bryce

P1 Friday 22nd May – Health and Well Being

Welcome back everyone!

If you have a big brother or sister try to listen in to our Friday Assembly on Teams, if not, then listen in to David Walliams at 11.00am for “Bad Dad”.

On a Friday at this time, we will begin to look at some areas of Health and Well Being.

This week, we will start off with ACHIEVING

  • Watch and listen to the clip below

  • Think about when you have learned to do something new or achieved a target
  • You might have learned to ride your bike, tell the time, bake a cake or something different
  • Share your achievements with  a family member and ask them to share some of their achievements with you

Record your achievement in some way. You could make a short video, take a photograph or draw a picture and we would love it if you could share it with us.

Thank you for all your hard work this week.

Have a lovely weekend and see you back here on Monday morning!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




A1 & P1 sink or float experiment

Good morning everyone Friday again. I hope you have all had a fun week of home learning. Today I thought we could have some fun with a science experiment. ☺

Sink or float

Gather up some items from around the house with an adult, fill up a paddling pool, basin or bucket of water and let’s see if the items sink or float.

Think about what the items are made of?  Are they heavy or light? Will they sink or float?

Here is a demonstration of a friend of mine having some great fun with this experiment


Let us know how you get on. Hava a lovely weekend. Stay safe


A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 22/05/20

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all well!  Let’s start our day with PE with Joe.  I wonder what he will be dressed up as today?

In literacy today we are learning about rhyme.  To start us off, lets sing ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.  Afterwards, talk to a family member and see if you can you identify all of the words that rhyme.

Next, have a look at pages 16 and 17 of the ‘Exciting Learning Opportunities’ booklet below:


Now, lets learn some some new vocabulary as we read the facts about spiders and talk about them with a family member.

Can you make your own spider out of bits and bobs you find in your home?  Send us pictures of your creation!

Can you research spiders using the internet or a non-fiction book you have at home?  Write down your interesting facts in your school closure jotter.

Can you make your own spiders web by drawing or weaving?

Now, back to rhyme… listen to this other song that has a spider in it.  Can you identify the rhyming words?

To finish, lets listen to this lovely story about a busy spider by Eric Carle:

I hope you enjoyed learning about rhyme and spiders and I hope you have learned some new words today! When you are out playing in your garden over the weekend, have a look to see if you can find any spiders or spiders webs.  If you find any, take some photos and we can share them on the school blog!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping