Category Archives: A1

P1 and A1 Wednesday 10th June – Data Handling

Hello again everyone. Hope you enjoyed your writing task this morning!

Don’t forget to listen on to a story at 11.00 with David Walliams

Today we will continue with our work on Data Handling. Last week we used information we collected about creatures at the pond and then shapes to organise into a table.

Today we are going to look at pictograms or pictographs. This is another way of organising and displaying information to make it easier for us to to read.

Watch and listen to the clip below as coloured blocks are used to make a pictograph.

  • Think about the information in the pictograph
  • Ask a family member to help you use the  pictograph to answer the following questions:
  • Which colour is the most popular?
  • Which colour was least popular?
  • How many green and yellow blocks are there altogether?
  • How many red and blue blocks are there altogether?


  • Now look at the pictogram below.
  • Think of some more questions could you ask about the information shown in the pictogram?
  • Ask a family member your questions

  • Now look at the smarties below
  • Have a go at constructing a pictogram of your own to show the different colours
  • Record it in your jotter
  • Or you could use real smarties or other sweets to create a pictogram of your own                                                           
  • Think of some questions you could ask a family member about your pictogram


  • Finish off by answering questions on some simple pictograms
  • You can choose pictograms showing pets, fruit, ice cream and lots more

  • Choose the Vertical Pictograms option Unit = 1

Have fun!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce


A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 10/06/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Hope you are ready for PE with Joe this morning:

Now it is time for PM writing!  Today we are learning more about words and sentences.

Have a look at the story above and ask the children to:

  • read the sentences with help from an adult.
  • talk about the extra information that the writer has added in blue.  What does it tell us that we didn’t already know?
  • identify who, where and when
  • identify the sentences that tell us what happened first, then and after that.
  • read the last sentence and identify how the writer felt when the bird flew away and why.

Next, take out ‘The Bird ans the Cat – Activity 5’ from you pack:


The purpose of this task is to write a simple recount about The Cat and the Mouse with support.  First, read the words that label the picture then read the tricky words.  Using these words to help you, you are now ready to write your story.  If you want to draw your own picture on the back, that would be lovely, but please do not feel you have to.

Take your time.  Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We look forward to reading your stories!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


P1 and A1 Tuesday 10th June – Art

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Hope you enjoyed your Oral Narrative activity about “The Rainbow Fish”.

Today for art why don’t you try making a rainbow fish of your own.

Here are some ideas.

You could draw, paint, make a collage or even a model fish.

Make your rainbow fish as colourful, shiny and sparkly as you like!!

We would love for you to share them with us!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




A1 Numeracy Tasks 09/06/20

Hello again A1!

It is now time for Numeracy.

P1 pupils are learning about numbers up to 20:

P3 and P7 pupils are learning about subtraction:

Please have a look inside your packs.

P1 pupils complete the next 2 pages of your ‘Numbers to 20’ workbook.

P3 and P7 pupils, complete the next 2 pages of your ‘Subtraction to 10’ workbook.

To finish the morning off, why not get some fresh air while completing your daily mile before lunch time?  Check out yesterdays post if you didn’t manage to do the “Daily Mile at Home” challenge.

We will be back after lunch!  Enjoy!

Mrs Bryce

A1 Literacy Tasks 09/06/20

Good morning A1!

Lets  get ready for our daily dose of PE with Joe:

Now it is time for literacy.

  • P1’s you will be consolidating your learning of the ‘n’ sound.

  • P3’s and P7’s you will be consolidating your learning of the ‘ee’ sound as well as practicing your tricky words.

Please log on to Study Ladder and complete the tasks that have been assigned to you.

After all your hard work, lets snuggle down and enjoy listening to story time with David Walliams:

I will be back after story time.

Mrs Bryce

P1-A1 Busy Bees

Good afternoon guys, I hope you are having a good Monday!

I have been spending a lot of my time in my garden during Lockdown and I have noticed lots of little Bees being very busy.

Bees are very important to the environment, do you know why? Check out the link below.

I took these photos of a very busy Bee in my garden can you spot it collecting pollen?



I thought you could have a go at making your own Bee from any recycling material you have at home.  You could also look out for Bees in your gardens or on your daily walk.  If you are able you could try to photograph one and send it to Mrs Bryce. Here is a Bee I made from a toilet roll tube.

Have fun guys





A1 Numeracy Tasks 08/06/20

Hey guys!

I would love it if you all tuned in to the Fischy Music Online Assembly at 11am.  And don’t forget your ladle!

Now for Numeracy:

  • P1’s you are learning about ‘2 more than’ and ‘less than’.
  • P3’s and P7’s you are learning about ‘adding on 10’.

Please log on to Study Ladder and complete the tasks that have been assigned to you.

After your numeracy tasks, let’s get outside for some fresh air and do our daily mile.  Have a look at the Daily Mile At Home challenges.  Choose one to do today and don’t forget to send me a photo and you can tag DailyMile by using #DailyMileAtHome


Mrs Bryce

A1 Literacy Tasks 08/06/20

Morning A1!

I hope you are feeling well and rested after the weekend! Let’s kick start our morning with  PE with Joe:

Now it is time for Phonics and Spelling!

P1’s you are learning the ‘n’ sound today!  The action for ‘n’ is to hold your arms out to the side and pretend to fly like a plane saying “nnnnnnnnnnnnn” while you fly!

Let’s start by singing the Jolly Phonics songs:

Now I would like you to complete the ‘n’ section in your Jolly Phonics Booklet.  In the boxes draw 4 things starting with ‘n’ then practice writing the letter ‘n’.  On the other page, can you practice writing your ‘n’ words.

P3’s and P7’s you are continuing to learn about the ‘ee’ sound this week:

Now I would like you to complete the last 4 pages in your ‘Long Vowel Sound E’ booklet:

E Vowel

I will be back in time for the Fischy Music Assembly!  Enjoy!

Mrs Bryce

P1 and A1 Friday 5th June – Health and Well Being

Hello again everyone!

Don’t forget to relax and listen to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am

Or join in with our Friday Assembly on Teams if you have a big brother or sister.

Today for Health and Well Being we are going to take a look at being RESPONSIBLE – what do you think that  means?

  • Talk to a family member about being responsible
  • We are all responsible for something

Have a listen to this fun song about responsibilty

  • Now make a list of at least 3 things you will be responsible for tomorrow
  • It might include :
  • brushing you teeth
  • tidying your room
  • feeding a pet

When you have done these things, tick them off on your list and I bet you will feel a great sense of ACHIEVEMENT – something we were learning about a couple of weeks ago

To finish off listen to the story,  “I’ll do it!” by Brian Moses and Mike Gordon

How would you score on the RESPONSIBILITYOMETER??

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce