Category Archives: A1

P1 and A1 Wednesday 13th May – Shape

Hello again! Hope you enjoyed your writing task on “The bird and the cat” this morning.

Don’t forget to listen in to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am

Today we will continue with 3D shape.

I hope you like this rap song about 3D shapes.


  • Your Shape activities for today have been set on Education City
  • Your log in details were sent out in a Group Call
  • There were a few teething problems on Monday but I hope it is easier for you to find the activities now

When you log in click on:

Click on P1/A1 Maths folder.

Then you will need to click on these activities in sequence:

  • For the Sunny Shapes Activity Sheet, you do not need to print off the activity sheet, just draw one of each 3D shaped object in your jotter
  • To finish off today’s shape activities , complete page 10 in your TeeJay Shape Workbook (A9) and colour the 3D shapes

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce













A1 and P1 PM Writing Task 13/05/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s art activity.  Please send us any pictures you have of your animals.  Who is ready for PE with Joe this morning?

Now get ready for our PM Writing Task.  Today we are learning all about words.  First, look carefully at these pictures and talk about who or what is in them then read the labels:

Next, use the labels and the tricky words below to make sentences.  Say them out loud to a family member.

Now you are ready for writing!  Have a look in your pack for ‘The Bird and the Cat, Activity 1’


The purpose of this task is to practise writing high frequency words in isolation and to complete sentences.  First, practice writing ‘into’, ‘big’ and ‘little’ using the boxes then use each word to complete the sentences.  Remember to read each sentence out loud to ensure they make sense.   You can do this!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

A1 and P1 Art 12/05/20

Good Afternoon boys and girls!

Before art this afternoon, we would like you to go and do your daily mile either out a walk with an adult or by doing laps of your garden.  As you are doing your daily mile, collect some leaves, sticks, stones, twigs, grass, flowers… anything that you can find!

Now for your art task we would like you to use the natural resources you have collected to create a collage of an animal of your choice.  We cannot wait to see what you create!

Have Fun!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

Narrative Language Task – Tuesday 12th May

Hi all,

I have a narrative language task for you this afternoon. First, I would like you to listen to this story about the three little pigs. After you have watched the story see if you can list everywhere the wolf went.

After you have finished that I have made up some questions for you to ask your parent or carer to ask you to see if you can answer.

  • Where do you live?
  • Where do you buy food?
  • Where could you go swimming?
  • Where could you go on holiday?
  • Where could you find an elephant?
  • Where might you see a clown?
  • Where would you go to catch a train?
  • Where might you use a bucket and spade?
  • Where would you see a traffic light?
  • Where would you go if you felt unwell?

Finally, could you come up with some where questions to ask your parent or carer?

Miss Robertson

Numeracy Time!

Please check your visual timetable for today’s numeracy tasks.

12.05.20 Numeracy Timetable

Here are some examples you can use as inspiration for your Backward Number Tracks.

After all your hard work this morning, let’s practice our mindfulness with Mindful Ozzy.

I will be back this afternoon with this weeks art activity.  Keep an eye out for Miss Robertson’s Oral Narrative post too!

Mrs Bryce

A1- Craft activity/Make a bug.

Good Afternoon A1, I hope you are all having a good Monday and enjoyed Miss McLuckie’s  scavenger hunt!

I hope you found some interesting bugs and flowers. I thought we could try making our own bugs. There are a couple of examples below.

Things you will need :

  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Sticky tape
  • Felt pens

If you don’t have coloured paper you can use your felt pens to colour your caterpillar. Similarly you can draw on the eyes if you don’t have any the googly ones.

If you fancy having a go a something a little more complicated why not try this one below.

You may not have seen many caterpillars in your gardens, do you know why? Yes you guessed it, they have turned into Butterflies!

You could have a go at creating your own butterfly. You could use anything you want, paper, junk from your recycling bin or just paint a lovely picture. I would love to see your creations! You could post your bugs on our Twitter page or Email them to Mrs Bryce. Have fun.


A1 STEM 11/05/20

Good afternoon A1. I hope you are keeping well and had a lovely weekend. This afternoon I would like you to go on a Spring-themed Scavenger hunt! you can either print off this sheet Spring Scavenger Hunt or you could make your own sheet to cross off what you find. I will be taking my little girl on the Scavenger hunt too and we are excited to see what we can find.

Miss McLuckie

A1 Numeracy Tasks

Hi guys!

I hope you enjoyed singing and dancing with Fischy Music!

Numeracy Time now so please check your timetable.

11.05.20 Numeracy Timetable

We will be learning about ‘more’ and ‘less’ today!  These might help to get you started!

Look out for Laura and Maisie’s posts this afternoon!  They sound like fun and I know you will enjoy them!

Mrs Bryce

A1 Literacy Tasks 11.05.20

Good Morning A1

I hope you had a nice weekend and are ready for PE with Joe at 9am.

P1 you will be learning the ‘t’ sound and P3-P7 you will be learning the ‘oo’ sound this morning.  Let’s start by singing the Jolly Phonics Songs… don’t forget to do the actions!

Check the visual timetable before starting your next task.

11.05.20 Literacy Timetable

I will be back after the Fischy Music Assembly.

Enjoy!  Mrs Bryce