All posts by Mrs Anderson

Five Minute Box- Quiz 1


Let’s see how many you can find❓❓❓



1. Find the letter after N

2. Find the letter before T

3. Find the letter after H

4. Find the letter before U

5. Find the names of colours,  list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)









6. Find the days of the week, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)








7. Find  a 9 letter word starting with W

8. Find a 6 letter word starting with Y

9. Find a 7 letter word starting with M

❓10. Find a 9 letter word starting with Y  


                                                 Have fun being a word detective.

Five Minute Box- Letter and number formation boards

Hi guys hope you are all keeping well .

Please find your Letter and Number Formation Boards in your packs.

Use your finger☝️trace them first, then write them using your sharp handwriting pencil  in your pack.

Please write each letter 3x each and pick your favourite one.

REMEMBER to Start on the 🔴 red dot and follow the ⬅ arrows for the direction.

Use a blank page at the back of your jotter. I look forward to seeing all your good work. REMEMBER do not rush it. And make sure you are following the arrows.



Five minute box -Key words

          Key words 1-9

😀Read the key word boards

😀 match the cards

😀flash the cards for reading task

😀flash the cards for spelling test

😀make 2 sets of word cards to play pairs/ memory game

😀spell your word list ,  (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check)…….

Remember to say the word aloud, so you can hear the word, and always cover it over, not just copy, copy, copy your list, and check back to the original word in the list, to check you have it correct, and then repeat.

Remember to also look back over boards you have already done work on.

Revision and repetition are key.😄😄😄😄😄



Who had fun at the virtual zoo?

I enjoyed the virtual Chester Zoo visit did you?

If you didn’t manage to, you can still see the videos on the link or on the Zoos page.

Here are some of the photos I took  and some interesting facts I learned……… enjoy!!

The🐼 Red pandas are my favourites, the babies are called cubs. There are less than 10,000 in the wild now, so they are classed as endangered.  They mostly eat bamboo, but the female will eat small bits of meat ( 🐁  🐦)when they are pregnant.


The park has Asian Elephants 🐘 it’s only the male that gets tusks but  in African elephants it’s both the male & females.

Baby elephants don’t have proper use of their trunk until they are about 2 year old.



Sun bears☀️ 🍯 🐻 (also called honey bears) They have massive claws for climbing trees and very long tongues to find honey and insects. 🐛 🦗

They are endangered due to poachers. They are hunted for medicine and also deforestation for palm oil is damaging and clearing their natural habitats.


Butterfly house🦋 🐛

We saw the eggs, caterpillars,chrysalis and the butterflies.

Butterflies tastes with their feet, then eat with their long curly tongues.

They also showed us a very big, bright green female stick insects.


Giraffe 🦒

Every giraffe has a different coat pattern just like our finger prints.

Their poop is just the size of a Malteser.

They eat 35kg of leaves a day/ the same weight of an average11/12yr old.


They are endangered due to hurting and palm oil deforestation.

Their stripes make them easily camouflaged in grasses.



Penguins 🐧 We just saw them being fed and swimming. There was no educational talk with this section, but you can find out about them on line or go visit Edinburgh Zoo Live Cameras to learn and see more.

P2/3 Five Minute Box

Afternoon P2/3

Hope you are all having a good time and not missing school too much.

Hi to my Five minute box pupils.

I hope you are all keeping up the amazing work in your purple books.

Please work on the individual tasks stuck into your book no1 before going onto the new book2 tasks.

It’s important to only do a little at a time, don’t try to do too much all at once.

Remember It’s also important to look back over all the lovely work tasks you’ve already done. Revision is very important too.

Please send any questions you have and also share an updates on how you are getting on.

Would be lovely to hear how it’s going👍🏼

Mrs Anderson

Hi P2/3

Hi P2/3, how strange is this working from home?!?

Its all new for me too.  I’ve never used the blog before, like some of you, I’m sure. There is going to be so many fun things to see and do, so remember not to be put off and miss out.

Just ask if you are unsure of how to access anything, as I’ve already done so today, as I don’t usually have to use the computer much.

We will get through this together, I’m sure,

Mrs Anderson