All posts by Lauren Bryce

A1 and P1 Numeracy Tasks 28/05/20

Hi there!

Before Numeracy, lets cosy in and listen to David Walliam’s story time:

Now it is time for Numeracy and today we are learning about months of the year:

Now… log on to your Education City account.  I have assigned you some tasks within the ‘Months of the Year’ folder for you to complete.

Lastly, I would like you to write out all of the months of the year and next to each month, I would like you to draw a picture of something that reminds you of that month.  You might want to include your birthday, a special celebration, a change in weather or a special memory that you have.

Have fun!  Miss Robertson will be posting an Oral Narrative task after lunch then I will be back around 2pm for food technology and yoga!

Remember to email me if you have any problems or even better… email me pictures of your hard work!

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 28/05/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Who is ready for PE with Joe this morning?

Now it’s time for our reading tasks.  Let’s see what Unicorn and Haggis have in store for us today!

First, watch the video and Join Ena as she learns all about different characters in books with Unicorn and Haggis.

Next, read the book ‘See Yourself’ with a family member.  Talk about the pictures and what is happening in the story.

Now… Unicorn and Haggis want you to “image you’re the hero who set the village free! See yourself in every book, what person will you be?”

Lastly, I want you to draw yourself as a hero and write a short story to tell us all about it.  What brave thing will you do?  Who will you help?  What will you be wearing?  Use the last page of the book to help you.

I cannot wait to read your stories!

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Literacy Task

Good Morning boys and girls,

Lets get energised with Joe again this morning:

It is time for this week’s PM writing task.  Today we are learning about sentences.

At home, support the children to:

  • read the the sentences aloud and identify the sentences that tell who and where.
  • identify the sentences that tell what happened first, then and after that.
  • read the last sentence and find out how the writer felt when the bird flew away.

Now, in your pack you will find ‘The Bird and the Cat – Activity 3’.


The purpose of this task is

a) To write nouns to complete sentences.
b) To write the letters to complete each noun.

Using the word bank at the side, complete the sentences and write the labels on the picture.  Remember to check each sentence makes sense.

At 11am David Walliams will be reading the next 3 chapters of ‘Bad Dad’, so I hope you enjoy snuggling up and listening:

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

A1 Literacy Tasks 25/05/20

Good Morning A1!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and for those celebrating Eid, I hope you had fun celebrating with your family!  Thankfully the sun has come out today… woohoo!

Lets start our day with PE with Joe:

Now, let’s check our timetable to see what are Spelling/Phonics tasks are this morning:

25.05.20 Literacy Timetable

Today we are learning the i sound and the oo sound.

Let’s sing the Jolly Phonics songs:

I will be back after the live assembly with Fischy Music.  Don’t forget to tune in at 11am:

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 22/05/20

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you are all well!  Let’s start our day with PE with Joe.  I wonder what he will be dressed up as today?

In literacy today we are learning about rhyme.  To start us off, lets sing ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.  Afterwards, talk to a family member and see if you can you identify all of the words that rhyme.

Next, have a look at pages 16 and 17 of the ‘Exciting Learning Opportunities’ booklet below:


Now, lets learn some some new vocabulary as we read the facts about spiders and talk about them with a family member.

Can you make your own spider out of bits and bobs you find in your home?  Send us pictures of your creation!

Can you research spiders using the internet or a non-fiction book you have at home?  Write down your interesting facts in your school closure jotter.

Can you make your own spiders web by drawing or weaving?

Now, back to rhyme… listen to this other song that has a spider in it.  Can you identify the rhyming words?

To finish, lets listen to this lovely story about a busy spider by Eric Carle:

I hope you enjoyed learning about rhyme and spiders and I hope you have learned some new words today! When you are out playing in your garden over the weekend, have a look to see if you can find any spiders or spiders webs.  If you find any, take some photos and we can share them on the school blog!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping