All posts by K Meikle

A1 and P1 lets get creative

Good morning A1 and P1 i hope you are all well. I thought this morning we could all get a creative and a little messy with some finger painting.  Use your wonderful imaginations to create your own finger painting of whatever you like it could be your favorite toy or game, your family or just play with different colors and create the magic as you go. I cant wait to see your pictures have fun.

i hope you all have a lovely weekend keep up the good work.


A1 & P1 sink or float experiment

Good morning everyone Friday again. I hope you have all had a fun week of home learning. Today I thought we could have some fun with a science experiment. ☺

Sink or float

Gather up some items from around the house with an adult, fill up a paddling pool, basin or bucket of water and let’s see if the items sink or float.

Think about what the items are made of?  Are they heavy or light? Will they sink or float?

Here is a demonstration of a friend of mine having some great fun with this experiment


Let us know how you get on. Hava a lovely weekend. Stay safe


A1 & P1 obstacle course

Good morning A1 & P1 i hope you are all well and have had another good week of home learning. Today i thought we could get creative and active by making our very own obstacle course indoors or out in the garden. I recommend 6 or more different stations containing a challenge or movement that you must complete to move forward. You can use a number of everyday/household items to create your obstacle such as-

  • empty kitchen roll tubes
  • blankets
  • kitchen utensils
  • cushions
  • toys/teddies

the list is endless.

Here are a few ideas-

  • crawl under/over chairs
  • crawl under a piece of string attached to two chair legs
  • jump in and out of a hula-hoop 5 times
  • jump over a selection of cushions (the floor is lava)
  • throw a  bean bag/ball into a washing basket/box
  • do 10 jumping jacks

These are just a few ideas you can use but i would love to see what you can come up with.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of your obstacles lets get active and have fun. have a lovely weekend




A1 & P1 sense of smell

Good morning A1 & P1 I hope you are all well. Last week we explored our sense of taste I hope you all enjoyed lots of different tasty treats. This week I thought we could explore our sense of smell. You will need

  • Small containers or jars
  • Light fabric
  • Rubber bands
  • A selection of fraigrent ingredients of your choice.

Simply place your ingredients into your container, cover with a peice of fabric and seal with a rubber band. Let’s see how many different smells you can identify and how they make you feel?

I hope you all enjoy a well deserved long weekend, Have fun and stay safe.



Good morning A1 & P1 today i thought we could explore our sense of taste. What are your favourite foods? Are they sweet,sour,salty or bitter? Lets try an experiment to find out. Send us some pictures and let us know how you get on. Follow the link below to get started and enjoy.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe


A1-P1 easter craft

Good morning A1 and P1 I hope you are all keeping well. I thought as it’s the last day of home learning before the Easter break that we could try some fun Easter craft. Choose from one of these simple craft activities to enjoy or try them all at your leisure. Let’s get crafting.
