All posts by J Cruickshank

Caterpillar update

Hi Children,

The caterpillars are doing very well, they are getting very big. On the Twitter you will see I tried to measure a couple of these but it was a bit tricky as they were moving and bending. So the measurements are just approximations. We have one around 3 cm and another around 3.5cm. The other 2 were feeding!
We had a suggestion for the last 2 names. So they are called Alfie and Cherry. Thank you for that.

Take care, Jen.

Life cycle of Butterflies

Hi Children,

Last  week I received a special delivery of these caterpillars, I have posted more detailed videos on twitter, so please check these out. I am looking for name suggestions for 2 of the caterpillars, my children named the other 2 – Thing 1 and Thing 2! Please post them here and I will confirm their names through the week. I’m excited to share their journey with you and watch them grow into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. I hope you are all well, stay safe and take care. Jen


Hi Everyone.

Chester Zoo has had 4 virtual zoo days and they have some very amazing animals to see! One of particular interest is the sensational song birds which you can check out here and this will give you access to many more of their keeper chats.

If you like role play here are some bird masks to cut out and use but if you are feeling very creative you could create your own. Have Fun everyone and stay safe over your May Break. 😊

Spring Birds

Last week on Twitter we looked at making feeders for our feathered friends in our gardens and hopefully you managed to spot some and identify them using the chart.

Spring birds make lots of noise especially in the morning. They make a great alarm clock! Andy from CBeebies has a series of podcasts with a little robin  who helps us to identify them from their song and has plenty of other useful information too. Check these out here

I hope you enjoy these. Jen