All posts by Miss McDermott

Having lots of fun teaching and learning with P2/1!

100 Days of School

100Miss McDermott enjoyed spending the 100th day of school with P1/2 today.

We worked hard to complete 100 activities at PE including star jumps, press ups, touching our toes and even running 10 laps round the hall!

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Back in the classroom we collected 100 objects.

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Last of all we drew some funny pictures of what we thought we would look like in 100 years time (but Miss McDermott forgot to photograph them – sorry!)

What an extremely busy afternoon!

The afternoon group worked and played hard today.

After stay and play, we had music and dancing including disco lights!

We wrote labels for our winter wall display.

In small group we talked about materials that would keep us warm in winter.

Then we tried tasting pickled onions just like in the story – I went to the Zoopermarket.

After all that we sang Happy Birthday to Mrs Brogan who celebrated a very special birthday today. 🙂

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Nursery Nativity

Well done to all of the boys and girls for their fantastic nativity performances today.  Lots of mums, dads and other family and friends came along to watch at school and enjoyed a cup of tea and mince pie too.  If you have taken any photographs, perhaps you could email them to Miss McDermott at the nursery for everyone to see.

Email address –


Remember it is out Christmas Fair tomorrow and both parties are on Thursday! nativity1