All posts by Mr Reid

End of Term Fun

Primary 2/3/4 had a fantastic last week of school, enjoying the whole school trip to Helix Park on Tuesday and then the end of term treats of an obstacle course and ice cream van.

I would just like to express my thanks to families of pupils of P 2/3/4 for the many generous gifts and cards I received at the end of this year. It has been an unforgettable first year in teaching for me and I wish all my pupils and their families the best of luck for their future.

Mr Reid


Blackburn Multi-Sport Event

On Wednesday 8th June Primary 2/3/4 enjoyed taking part in a multi-sport event at Blackburn Community Centre. Pupils were able to mix with children from other schools and had a fantastic time trying their hand at a variety of sports.

Leaflets were issued with ore information on how to get involved with these events outside of school.

Walk like an Egyptian… The Museum

Along with ASD 2’s pyramid cafe (below), Primary 2/3/4 created a display of our learning in our classroom as part of the museum experience. We collected our best work from the term and displayed it on the wall to accompany the art gallery in the corridor. Visitors were also treated to a presentation by Primary 2/3/4 where we summarised all of our learning during the topic, using the school laptops to create a Powerpoint to go with our speech.

Thank you again to those who attended last Wednesday to allow us to share our learning.

Taking Action on Our Playground!

The Rights Respecting School Group have been working hard to take action on our playground.

On Friday some of the group laminated the posters that we made to stop people from allowing their dogs to foul in school grounds. It is an offence which could result in a fine from the council (Article 24 – we have the right to a clean and safe environment).

The other half of the group looked at the survey we carried out and decided on a charter to set rules for the playground so that everyone can enjoy their play time (Article 31 – we have the right to play).

Day 100 in Primary 2/3/4

Primary 2/3/4 celebrated the hundredth day of school last Tuesday afternoon by enjoying various activities in class.

We tried different exercises to see how many we could do in 100 seconds, we tried to organise 100 coins into patterns after sorting them into 2 groups of 50, as a class we came up with 100 words – 5 groups of 20, we drew 10 groups of 10 shapes to make up 100, we also wrote our names in colour on 100 squares to see what patterns came up.


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P2/3/4 are going Rhino crazy!

As part of our communications topic last term, Primary 2/3/4 learned about how to communicating by writing letters. We decided to combine this with our work on rugby in PE. As Mr Reid is a big fan of rugby league team Leeds Rhinos, we decided that to write to the team to congratulate them on their magnificent season.

Then, on the last day of last term a very special envelope arrived at school. A puzzled Mr Reid opened it. Confusion turned to delight when we found that not only did Leeds Rhinos send a brilliant team photo and copy of the players autographs, but they also sent us a personalised letter thanking us for writing to them, complete with photographs of the first team players reading the children’s letters! They responded to the children’s questions such as how to become a rugby player and how many first team players there are. The letter is also signed by head coach Brian McDermott. You can hopefully read the letter in the photographs on this post. If not, we are hoping to get a frame and display it in school soon!

The new rugby league season starts on Thursday 4th February with Leeds taking on Warrington (live on SkySports, or highlights on BBC One’s ‘Super League Show’), so here’s hoping that our adopted club can triumph again this year!

001 Leeds Rhinos Reply

Scottish Round Robin Highland Games

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Mr Reid was delighted with the effort of all children in the Highland Games group of the Scottish Round Robin today.

The children took part in athletics events such as long distance running, short distance running, standing long jump, javelin and bean bag shot putt. We discussed how important athletics and sport are to us in Scotland and how we can lead a healthy, active lifestyle by keeping active through physical activity.

You can see from the photos how much effort the children were putting in.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Burns Assembly on Friday at 9:45am.

Christmas and New Year in P2/3/4

Happy New Year Everyone!

Primary 2/3/4 had a fantastic time in the run up to Christmas as you can see on the photos on a previous post. We especially enjoyed sharing our Christmas party with ASD2 as well as the Panto trip to Livingston.

Since we came back we have been exploring the life and work of Robert Burns, some pupils even made Burns’ cottage out of our class Lego! Some time with Miss McDermott on Friday was spent making sure our classroom is tidy for us moving forward this term.

As the weather worsens, don’t forget that the class Winter Ready Pack should have been brought home last term and you can find the activities in electronic form further down the blog here.

I would like to again thank parents and families for the kind gifts you gave me before Christmas.

Mr Reid and Primary 2/3/4

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P 2/3/4 Winter Ready Activities

If it’s too snowy to come to school, use the fun snowy day activities so you can keep learning at home! There’s a great selection of maths and literacy activities based on what we have been doing at school as well as a winter snow hunt to get you outside!

Winter Acrostic Poem Template

Snow Acrostic Poem Template

Snow Day Write Up Sheet

Winter Acrostic Poem Template

Snow Acrostic Poem Template

Design Your Own Winter Clothes

Converting Analogue to Digital Time and Vice Versa Lesson Pack

Place Value Tens and Units

6 Times Tables Wordsearch

4 Times Tables Wordsearch

Winter Snow Hunt Checklist

Primary 2/3/4 are going mobile!

As part of our communications topic, Primary 2/3/4 investigated the history of the telephone on Monday morning. We thought about how the technology has developed so we can use smartphones today. We then designed our own phones, thinking about what features they might have, and built them using Lego or connecting cubes.

You can see some of our efforts in the pictures

.Our Lego/ cube phones DSC00093 DSC00094 DSC00095 DSC00096 DSC00097 DSC00098 DSC00099 DSC00100 DSC00101 DSC00102 DSC00103 DSC00104