What Is Story Massage and What are the Benefits?



Story massage is a fun and interactive approach of sharing stories and rhymes in a positive and respectful way.  It involves asking permission from the individual if you can perform story massage on the time. The strokes are performed on the child’s back and shoulders however some children may not like this and therefore can be done on legs, arms or wherever child would like.

The benefits are:

  1. It can bring calm and relaxing feeling to the individual.
  2. It promotes oxytocin the “feel good” hormone.
  3. It may improve sleep patterns.
  4. It may promote self esteem and confidence.
  5. It may regulate emotions
  6. Can build positive relationships through touch.
  7. Can develop a readiness for learning.
  8. It may develop imagination, expressive language and creativity.
  9. Improves communication.
  10. Can help prepare for future events e.g. going to dentist, new school, or hospital.

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