P6/7 Parent/Child Learning Walk

We are exploring new ways to communicate between our pupils, parents and staff at Blackburn Primary School.

This week, we are inviting our parents and children to take part in a ‘learning walk’ and a follow up task will be shared next Monday!

How to take part:

  • Set aside at least 30 minutes
  • Keep any devices in your pocket until the end
  • Each person should speak for at least 5 minutes uninterrupted about their ‘best learning experience’
  • After each person has spoken take a moment in silence to notice where you are and if you are drawn to anything in your surroundings.
  • Finally, spend some time talking about what either of you found interesting. You can also take this opportunity to ask each other questions.
  • Stay tuned for part 2 next week!
  • If you have any feedback regarding this experience please feel free to share this with Miss Anderson

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