P1 and A1 Home Learning Tasks – 16/06/20

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well.

Time to get active with Joe!

Today our learning will be around the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”,  so maybe you could go and get your favourite teddy bear to help with some of the tasks before we begin.

Make sure you are in a good space as you will be asked to join in with some actions.

  • First listen carefully and join in with the “House of the Bears” activity below.


  • Now create some stick puppets of the characters in the story like the ones below and use your puppets to retell the story in your own words
  • How do you think each character sounds? Can you change your voice to sound like all the different characters?

  • Have a look at pages 26 and 27 of the Exciting_Learning_Opportunities_Home_Learning_Collection booklet before starting our activities:
  • Try the Descriptions sensory activity. What can you find that is soft, smooth, hard, lumpy, rough or fluffy around your home?
  • Sort them into groups and compare and contrast them against each other.

Time for a break.

Now get comfy and watch and listen to another version of the story.


  • Do you think Goldilocks should have done what she did?
  • Talk about her actions with a family member.
  • Write a short letter to the three bears from Goldilocks in your jotter
  • What do you think she should say to them?
  • Should she tell them she is sorry?
  • Set it out like the one below:


  • There are lots of different types of bears
  • How many can you think of?
  • Watch and listen to the clip below to find out more about bears

  • What is your favourite type of bear?
  • What does it look like, where does it live, what does it eat?
  • Do some research on your favourite type of bear to find out more about it and perhaps you could make a “Bear Fact File” about it with some information and illustrations or photos cut out from newspapers or magazines

Before lunch why don’t you keep active and head out to do the Daily Mile. Choose one of the Challenges and remember to keep safe.



For art this afternoon why don’t you get creative and make a picture of your favourite type of bear. Draw, paint, use collage materials or make a model.

Hopefully these pictures will inspire you.

Don’t forget to share them with us!



  • To finish off this afternoon perhaps a family member could help you to make some porridge or you could pretend to make some
  • Think about how the consistency changes as it cooks
  • What toppings would you add to your porridge?  Use your imagination – fruit, syrup, honey mmmmm!

See you tomorrow for another day of learning!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce











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