Lockdown Learning Journeys

Recently P5/6/7 were asked to share their Learning Journeys.  They were able to share their journeys any way they liked.  Here are some of the examples that we have received.

The first pupil chose to display what she learned in school, what she has now learned at home and what she would like to learn next!

Our next pupil decided to make a PowerPoint presentation showcasing what she has learned during Lockdown.

Learning journey

Our final example is a story from our of our P5 pupils.  It is jam packed with emotion; sadness, excitement and humour.  This story has it all and certainly captures their experience.

We would love to receive more learning journeys from our pupils.  One of this week’s INspire Challenges is asking you to do something very similar!  Watch this video for an insight and more details will be posted tomorrow!

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