P2/3 Challenge – Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning boys and girls, can you believe that is it June already? I cant!

Today i am going to set you a challenge that you can complete throughout the day that includes literacy, maths and ICT skills. I am doing this, because i know that the weather has been lovely over the weekend and I want you to make the most of it by being outdoors whilst learning at the same time.

Bug Hunt – Grab a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil, a phone/iPad/camera then head outdoors.

  1. Try to find as many different bugs as possible. Take pictures.
  2. Do you know what kind of bug it is?

I would like you to get 3 facts about each bug you find. Using your research skills, you can look up each bug on the internet.

Can you find more than one of the same bug? How many did you find? Calculate and keep score. Which one did you see the most of?

Can you draw a picture of each bug to go with the three facts?

By the end of this challenge you should have a book of fact files all about bugs that you can share with your family and myself over email!

This is a challenge that you can complete yourself or with a family member.

Have a lovely day everyone

Miss Hamill 🙂 

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