Up, over, under and through! Fun Fives Day 3

Everyone is beginning to look forward to these fun activities in the playground – some had even started running their laps before we officially started off our Wednesday fun. The theme today was up, over, under and through and those pupils who could, were doing 15 laps of the concrete area as well as their jumping, crawling tasks.

The first task (after 3 laps) was to jump over the hurdles, next time around it was to try to get under the canes without knocking them down – but nobody wanted to get too dirty by crawling! The third task was to go through the tunnel – our photo shows the longest pupil in Blackburn!
Task 4 was to either walk along the snake or try to jump from side to side along it – this was a new activity for a lot of pupils.
Everyone had great fun finishing the course (on the 15th lap) by going over all the obstacles on out trim trail.
Look at all our photos!









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