P1 and A1 Home Learning Tasks – 17/06/20

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all well.

Let’s kick start the day with Joe Wicks

Today we will continue our learning through the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

  • Listen to the short clip below to help recall the story


  • Now look at the activities below and choose the task you like best
  • You do not need to print the activity sheet
  • Complete the task in your jotter
  • You only need to complete 1 task


Choose either:

  • Match them up! – draw the pictures from the story and write the correct word beside each one
  • What’s the order? – read the sentences and write the correct number to match each sentence
  • Choose the answer! –  read then copy and complete each sentence correctly
  • Find the words! – find the words from the story in the word search and copy them into your jotter

Just before you have a break, work through the power point below and choose the correct missing sound then have a well earned rest.

Goldilocks phonics

Now let’s get comfy and listen to a story about what happened to the bears when they tried to have their revenge on Goldilocks! It does not go well!



  • Try some of the practical activities below:
    • Find your dolls, teddies, play figures etc. Line them up from the tallest to the shortest.
    • How tall are you? Can you measure your height? Use a  tape measures. Just experience and explore. Use a ruler and see  how long things are.
    • Use a spoon as a measuring device. Go around and see if things are the same size, shorter or longer than the spoon.
    • Why not make a paper chain. Talk about this getting longer, the more you add. You could measure it. You could also count the links together.
    • How many strides is the room length? How many steps is it?
    • Who is the tallest in your house? Who is the shortest and who is in the middle?
    • Can you make a list or a collection of teeny, tiny things? What other words describe small?
    • Which things are larger than e.g. a cow? Could it be a bus, a whale, a house, a car etc?   Make a list or draw things.
    • Draw around your hands. Who has the largest hands? How many fingers do you have?
    • Make long and short play dough worms and snakes

To finish off this part of the morning, play this comparing sizes game:


Before lunch why not get active and do the Daily Mile. Try one of the Challenges suggested below as you walk, skip or jog:


Hope you all enjoyed your lunch!

Wednesday is usually our day to learn some French so this afternoon let’s listen to the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” in French.

  • Listen carefully and see if you recognise any French vocabulary.

  • The French word for three is trois
  • Join in with this French numbers song to revise numbers up to 10

  • Practice counting aloud in French from un to dix
  • Practice counting aloud down from dix to un
  • Roll a dice or play dominoes and say the numbers in French

We hope you had fun with all of your tasks and activities today.

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

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