A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 10/06/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Hope you are ready for PE with Joe this morning:

Now it is time for PM writing!  Today we are learning more about words and sentences.

Have a look at the story above and ask the children to:

  • read the sentences with help from an adult.
  • talk about the extra information that the writer has added in blue.  What does it tell us that we didn’t already know?
  • identify who, where and when
  • identify the sentences that tell us what happened first, then and after that.
  • read the last sentence and identify how the writer felt when the bird flew away and why.

Next, take out ‘The Bird ans the Cat – Activity 5’ from you pack:


The purpose of this task is to write a simple recount about The Cat and the Mouse with support.  First, read the words that label the picture then read the tricky words.  Using these words to help you, you are now ready to write your story.  If you want to draw your own picture on the back, that would be lovely, but please do not feel you have to.

Take your time.  Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We look forward to reading your stories!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping


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