A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 04/06/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

I hope you are well and are looking forward to fancy dress PE with Joe:

Now it is time for Literacy and we are going to start off by going on a bus journey!

Now, have a look at pages 20 and 21 of  the Exciting_Learning_Opportunities_Home_Learning_Collection booklet you have in your pack.  If you do not have one in your pack.  Click on the link above.

  • Can you think of any new verses and actions for the song?
  • Plan a bus journey… look at an Atlas, travel brochure or online map to get some inspiration.  Engage in some role play and act out your journey… What do you see?  What can you hear?  What can you smell?  Do you have passengers?
  • Draw a map of your journey and use illustrations to show what your saw.
  • Why not make your own tickets for the bus.  What price will they have on them?
  • Can you design a bus?  You can draw it and perhaps create a model of one.  Use your imagination and think about what special features your bus will have.  Be inventive.
  • Be a scientist!  Find things that roll.  How far can they go? Try rolling things down ramps and along different surfaces (carpet or hard floors).  Which travel the fastest and when do they travel the furthest?

Have fun with your interdisciplinary learning!  We will be back in time for story time with David Walliams!

Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

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