P1 and A1 Thursday 4th June – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well.

Let’s start with some exercise with Joe.

Today we will continue to learn about books and catch up with Unicorn and Haggis as Marcus finds out that books can answer questions.

  • Watch and listen to the clip below.


  • Now read the book, (below the clip), for yourself or with  a family member.
  • What type of book is this?
  • Is it fiction or non-fiction?
  • How do you know?
  • Look for the punctuation marks in the book – can you find CAPITAL LETTERS, FULL STOPS, COMMAS, EXCLAMATION MARKS, QUESTION MARKS etc
  • Think of all the question words you know:
  • WHEN?   WHERE?   WHO?   WHAT?   WHY?    WHICH?
  • Ask a family member a question beginning with each word e.g.WHEN is your birthday?   WHERE is your favourite place? etc.

The book ended with another question – “Why do some animals wake up at night and play under the starry skies?”

  • Can you think of some animals that like to come out at night?
  • Share your ideas with a family member
  • These animals are known as Nocturnal
  • Let’s find out what this means

  • What is your favourite nocturnal animal?
  • Why do you like it?
  • Tell a family member about it
  • Create your own Night and Day animals collage like the one below
  • Can you think of any more Night or Day animals to add?


Remember to share your work on the Blog or email it to us to share at assembly!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

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