P1 Tuesday 2nd June – Literacy

Good morning everyone and welcome to another day of learning.

Let’s start off with some exercise with Joe.

Today we will continue with the th sound.

Watch and listen to this th song

  • Watch and listen to this clip to learn some more th words

  • Try to identify as many words using the th sound as you can – can you think of 10?
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 th activities on Study Ladder – 2nd June – Phonics th and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 th words write a sentence for each one on your jotter e.g.  Three birds live in that nest.
  • Try to make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective or a connective – and, but, so, because, then  e.g. Three tiny birds live in that nest.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly

I will check in with you again before numeracy

Mrs Topping



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