A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 29/05/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

Let’s do our PE with Joe nice and early before it gets too hot:

Remember to drink lots of water when you exercise, especially when it is so hot.  Now let’s get ready for literacy this morning by singing a song:

Please look at pages 18 and 19 of the ‘Exciting Learning Opportunities’:


First, let’s talk about stars… Where and when will you see them? Use this as an opportunity to enrich your language and to
have conversations.

Now we are going to learn some facts about stars.  Using the internet, can you find out a new fact about stars.  Write down your fact in your jotter.

Next, make your own stars.  You can do this any way you like. You can draw a picture or do some cutting and sticking or you could even use a star shaped cutter to make stars out of play dough or biscuit dough.

Why not create your own rocket ship  to fly to the stars? You could make this from old boxes, plastic containers, scrap materials and other bits and bobs you can find. Cutting, creating, designing, imagining and inventing are all great learning opportunities. Where will your rocket ship travel to? Will there be a count down… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off?

Your last task is to write a short story about your journey into space on the rocket ship you have created.  I cannot wait to see what you make at home this morning!

Remember to send me in some photos!

Mrs Bryce

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