A1 and P1 Health and Wellbing Tasks 29/05/20

Hi there boys and girls!

Let’s have a break from working this morning and listen to David Walliams read today’s story:


For health and wellbeing today we are going to be focussing on being healthy.  I know you have all been keeping your body healthy by doing your PE with Joe every morning so today we are going to be thinking about keeping our minds and hearts healthy.

I want you to go onto Storyberries website and read the story called ‘The Inside Book’ by Mathew Griffiths:


This story focusses on the different feeling you may have about Covid-19.  Please spend some time talking about how you feel or have felt during Lockdown.

Now, I would like you to draw a picture to show your boldest memory of Lockdown.  Write a sentence or two underneath to describe this memory.  Think about what you have been doing while at home and how you have felt.  Remember boys and girls, it is so important to talk to others about your feelings.  Remember that there are always people who want to help you when you are feeling down.  I would like to take another opportunity to thank all of the parents and carers for all your hard work supporting the children throughout this difficult time.  You are doing a great job everyone and we miss you all so much!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Bryce

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