A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 28/05/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Who is ready for PE with Joe this morning?

Now it’s time for our reading tasks.  Let’s see what Unicorn and Haggis have in store for us today!


First, watch the video and Join Ena as she learns all about different characters in books with Unicorn and Haggis.

Next, read the book ‘See Yourself’ with a family member.  Talk about the pictures and what is happening in the story.

Now… Unicorn and Haggis want you to “image you’re the hero who set the village free! See yourself in every book, what person will you be?”

Lastly, I want you to draw yourself as a hero and write a short story to tell us all about it.  What brave thing will you do?  Who will you help?  What will you be wearing?  Use the last page of the book to help you.

I cannot wait to read your stories!

Mrs Bryce

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