A1 and P1 Literacy Task

Good Morning boys and girls,

Lets get energised with Joe again this morning:

It is time for this week’s PM writing task.  Today we are learning about sentences.

At home, support the children to:

  • read the the sentences aloud and identify the sentences that tell who and where.
  • identify the sentences that tell what happened first, then and after that.
  • read the last sentence and find out how the writer felt when the bird flew away.

Now, in your pack you will find ‘The Bird and the Cat – Activity 3’.


The purpose of this task is

a) To write nouns to complete sentences.
b) To write the letters to complete each noun.

Using the word bank at the side, complete the sentences and write the labels on the picture.  Remember to check each sentence makes sense.

At 11am David Walliams will be reading the next 3 chapters of ‘Bad Dad’, so I hope you enjoy snuggling up and listening:


Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

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