P2/3 Literacy – Wednesday 13th May 2020

Bonjour la class,

I hope you are all feeling great this morning!

Masterminds – This morning i would like you to practice your dictated sentences. You will need a partner for this. Your partner needs to say sentences that include one word from your spelling list aloud to you. You need to write the sentence from memory. This is something you all have lots of practice doing. Try and remember all the correct punctuation.

Brightsparks – This morning i would like you to log onto Sumdog and complete a spelling challenge that i have set for you. It will be named ‘Brightsparks Spelling Challenge 13/05/20’.

Genius Gems – This morning i would like you to rainbow write and pyramid write your spelling words for this week. Remember, when you are rainbow writing, you are changing the colour of your pen or pencil for each sound, not each letter.

Miss Hamill 🙂 

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