P1 and A1 Wednesday 13th May – Shape

Hello again! Hope you enjoyed your writing task on “The bird and the cat” this morning.

Don’t forget to listen in to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am


Today we will continue with 3D shape.

I hope you like this rap song about 3D shapes.


  • Your Shape activities for today have been set on Education City www.educationcity.com
  • Your log in details were sent out in a Group Call
  • There were a few teething problems on Monday but I hope it is easier for you to find the activities now

When you log in click on:

Click on P1/A1 Maths folder.

Then you will need to click on these activities in sequence:

  • For the Sunny Shapes Activity Sheet, you do not need to print off the activity sheet, just draw one of each 3D shaped object in your jotter
  • To finish off today’s shape activities , complete page 10 in your TeeJay Shape Workbook (A9) and colour the 3D shapes

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce













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