P1 Tuesday 12th May – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you are ready for another day of learning!

Kick start the day with some exercise with Joe.


Don’t forget to have  arrest and a wee drink before you begin Literacy.

This morning we will continue with the revision of the oa sound.

  • Let’s learn some more oa words by watching this short clip

  • Try to identify as many words using the oa sound as you can – can you think of 10?
  • Share them with a family member
  • Complete the 3 oa activities on Study Ladder and remember to do the tutorial first
  • Now choose 3 oa words write a sentence for each one on your jotter e.g. My new coat is red.
  • Try to make your sentence more interesting by including an adjective or a connective – and, but, so, because, then  e.g. My new coat is red and has pockets.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • Don’t forget to write neatly

To finish off see how many of the oa words you can find in this word search


Mrs Topping

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