P1 and A1 Wednesday 6th May – Shape

Hello again everyone! Welcome back!

Hope you enjoyed your writing task this morning about “The Little Puppies”.

Listen in at 11.00am for a story with David Walliams at our usual milk and story time


Today we will continue with 3D shapes.

Let’s join in with the 3D shape song – we are sure you know it by now!

  • Take a look at the power point below and see if you can identify the correct 3D shape

Can you find the 3d shape pp

  • Now complete page 9 in your Shape workbook (A9)


  • All shapes have properties
  • A property is a feature which helps us describe it e.g.  how many sides or faces it has etc.

3D shapes have faces, edges and corners

  • Watch and listen to this clip to learn more about about the properties of 3D shapes

  • Can you create your own 3D shape and show it’s properties?
  • You could use plasticene or playdough, sand, card or even paper.
  • We would love it if you could share your 3D shapes with us.

Thank you, Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce









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