P1 Thursday 30th April – Literacy

Good morning everyone. Thursday again!!

Get ready for your reading activities this morning by warming up with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a wee drink before you begin your reading tasks.

Can you remember some of the different kinds of books in this song?

Today we are going to join Unicorn and Haggis to look at a particular kind of book.

  • Watch and listen to the clip below.


  • Now you have watched the clip, read the book for yourself, (underneath the clip), or ask a family member to help.
  • What kind of book is this?
  • Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
  • How do you know?
  • Look for all the punctuation marks in the book.
  • Can you find capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks or commas?
  • Explain how are they used.
  • How many of each can you count?
  • Last week we found some rhyming words in the book. Today try to think of 3 more rhyming words of your own for:
  • cake          need            add              can
  •  Record them in your jotter like this e.g.:
  • 1. cake – take    bake    rake
  • 2. need
  • 3. add
  • 4. can


  • What other ingredients or toppings would you add to a cake to make it even more tasty? e.g. fruit, nuts, chocolate chips etc.
  • Draw and label them in your jotter.
  • Niall’s cake was a lion design. Use your imagination to design a cake that you would like to bake.
  • Draw and colour your cake design in your jotter.
  • Maybe you could share your cake designs?

Thank you, Mrs Topping




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