Five Minute Box2 – Quiz No3


❓❓❓How many words can you find❓❓❓

Be a detective with your KEY WORDS DICTIONARY CARD sheet


1. Find the letter after  T

2. Find the letter before  W

3. Find the letter after D

4. Find the letter before  L

5. Find all 12 months of the year, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)













6. Find the ing words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)









7. Find 4 words to add an ing ending onto       eg         pull ->pulling , see -> seeing         milk  -> milking 





Be a word detective and find the word

write it out (x4) each- L,S,C,W,Ch,

or write the word into a sentence.

8. Find a 9 letter word starting with C

9. Find a9 letter word starting with A

❓10. Find a8 letter word starting with D  


                                                 Have fun being a word detective.

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