Narrative Language – Tuesday

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all doing well, this afternoon I have a narrative language task for you to complete.

First, I would like you to watch ‘The Great Pet Sale’ by Mike Inkpen on youtube. I have linked the video below.

After you have listened to this story, I want to you tell you parent/ carer all the characters from the book. I would like to see if you are able to remember them all! You could even try and write all the characters names with help from a parent or carer.

For your final task, in your School Closure jotter I would like you to draw a picture of everyone in your family. We are focusing on WHO this week so it would be good to see if you can remember everyone without any help.

After you have finished your task, you could ask your parent/carer to take a picture of your work and tag us in it on twitter – @wlblackburnps

It would be great to see all your lovely pictures! I’m looking forward to seeing all your hard work.

Miss Robertson

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