A1 Literacy Tasks 27/03/20

Good morning all!

Who has that Friday feeling?  Please find attached your literacy tasks for this morning.  There is also a nice little art and craft task in there too, seeing it’s Friday and all!

I am loving all of the photos of you doing your tasks so thank you parents and carers for sending me them!  Please keep them coming!  I am so proud of you all!  I will check in again after story time with David Walliams.

2020_03_27 Literacy Timetable

2020_03_27 Make your own music shaker

Mrs Bryce


3 thoughts on “A1 Literacy Tasks 27/03/20”

  1. Good Morning A1! I was so pleased to see the photos that you sent into Mrs Bryce. It was lovely to see all your hard word and smiley faces! We are all missing you guys and like Mrs Bryce said we are so proud of you all! Keep up the great work guys and keep safe!! Maisie😊

  2. Good morning A1 we have almost completed our first week of working from home. You have all done a great job, it has been lovely to see all of your photos so keep them coming. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and a well deserved rest.


  3. Morning! Well that’s us almost made it through our first week and you are all doing fab. I hope you all enjoy making your music shakers today and look forward to seeing your pictures 🙂

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