Maths Blast

The children in Miss Anderson’s Maths Blast class have been working so hard this term.  They managed to half their time when playing the game Buzz and in doing so earned themselves a Maths Blast party with a fractions theme!

After solving how much of their ingredients they would need by working out the fractions questions they thoroughly enjoyed making (and eating!) their pitta pizzas!

They then played pass the parcel with a fractions twist! each time the music stopped the children had to solve the fractions question on the paper before ripping off the paper!

If you would like to make some pitta pizzas over the easter holidays then all you need is pitta breads, tomato purée, cheese and whatever yummy toppings you fancy!

Spread some tomato purée over one side of your pitta, add your cheese and other toppings and pop in the oven at 180 for 10 minutes! Then… Enjoy!

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