It’s been an interesting few days for ASD1. At the Assembly on Friday 6th January we were given a mystery box and told we were not allowed to open it. Miss Carson had to carry it with her at break and lunchtime and we had to LOOK, THINK and WONDER about the box.

We were able to see that the box was tall and narrow, it didn’t weigh much and something moved inside when we held it. We thought it might be a soft toy or sand or a few other things. We wrote down everything we thought about what was inside.

Finally, the moment arrived and we opened our box today (Wednesday 11th January) to find a very funny umbrella. It is made of wood and paper. We will be doing some activities about our umbrella over the next few days but the first things we wanted to do was dress up as the person who owns it.

Who do you think we are?






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