John Muir Outdoor learning day 4

Today we started off at South Queensferry just under the forth rail bridge to walk part of the John Muir way. It was a foggy morning but thankfully the weather didn’t take a turn for the worse.  The John Muir way spans from the west coast to the east coast and can be found here: We walked some of section 7: South Queensferry to Edinburgh. We stopped just short of Bambougle castle to head down onto the beach to explore some of the local eco systems. We hunted for limpets, cockles, welks and various other sea creatures in and amongst the rock pools. After lunch we had a chance to dip our toes in the water and discovered it was slightly colder than expected. Walking home seemed to take slightly longer which might have had something to do with some wet feet and muddy clothing weighing us down.

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