John Muir Outdoor learning day 2

Today we started off at Polkemmet again. We used our maps to locate where we were and Kenny gave us more fact files to help us identify certain trees. We stopped for a snack and then ventured further into the forest where we were given the chance to cross the river almond. The first location we tried proved to be far too slippy and was abandoned in favour of a place where the stones were drier. Even this was quite a challenge but we all really enjoyed ourselves even if some of us did get a little wet. Before lunch we were given a whole group challenge to make a shelter. We had to collect large sticks and lots and lots of leaves to help build it. Kenny showed us the best way to construct it to make sure we would have shelter from the wind and rain. It took a long time to make and some children really showed great resilience in never giving up. We got to eat our lunch in the shelter before having a nice wee cup of hot chocolate. After lunch we moved locations to Redmill forest to litter pick. It really was shocking at how much we found. 20 bags that were nearly all completely full! To finish the day off we came back to the school to fill in our diaries so that we could have loads of extra time tomorrow


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