Christmas and New Year in P2/3/4

Happy New Year Everyone!

Primary 2/3/4 had a fantastic time in the run up to Christmas as you can see on the photos on a previous post. We especially enjoyed sharing our Christmas party with ASD2 as well as the Panto trip to Livingston.

Since we came back we have been exploring the life and work of Robert Burns, some pupils even made Burns’ cottage out of our class Lego! Some time with Miss McDermott on Friday was spent making sure our classroom is tidy for us moving forward this term.

As the weather worsens, don’t forget that the class Winter Ready Pack should have been brought home last term and you can find the activities in electronic form further down the blog here.

I would like to again thank parents and families for the kind gifts you gave me before Christmas.

Mr Reid and Primary 2/3/4

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