Developing the Young Workforce

Our person centred curriculum design offers meaningful opportunities for learning which are relevant and tailored to the assessed needs of each individual.  We place equal value on the development of skills needed beyond school and the attainment of recognised SQA qualifications and Wider Achievement awards.

We recognise that all learners require opportunities to build skills and relate them to real life situations and this takes time. We aim to take learning out of the classroom to help young people transfer skills now and after they leave school.

Therefore we provide a diverse range of learning experiences that are relevant to the needs of each individual, with opportunities to build the skills required for learning, life and work.

Activities to develop skills include opportunities such as:

  • Local partners coming into school to lead activities
  • Visits to local employers to find out what they do
  • College visits and learning opportunities
  • All learners working with Skills Development Scotland throughout their educational journey
  • Work experience placements
  • Vocational qualifications and work place recognised awards
  • Support to access courses delivered at college