In all of our bases, we provide Flexible Learning Programs

A priority for Stirling Local Authority is ‘to look after all of our citizens, from early years through to adulthood, by providing quality education and social care services, to allow everybody to lead their lives to their full potential’. Where possible the council’s aim is to return our children and young people who are educated in residential settings, back to their local communities. Attending and taking part in learning- wherever that learning takes place- is fundamental to achieving this ambition.

SISS can provide individualised Flexible Learning Programs that are tailored to enable young people to make progress in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing through building on their skills, interests and strengths. The aim is to use relationship base, person centred approaches to increase engagement, allowing young people choice to focus on areas of interest as well as supporting areas of need. Often these learning activities are experiential rather than solely classroom based ensuring the skills developed can be transferred and combined with real life experiences.

We capitalise on a multi-agency approach to ensure care and support is planned and co-ordinated to reduce the need for accommodation, prevent exclusion and improve outcomes such as academic attainment, wider achievement awards and securing and sustaining a positive post school destination.