Tag Archives: Taking Learning Outdoors

Kippenrait Glen!

On Monday of last week Primary 7 visited Kippenrait Glen (or the Darn Walk) as part of their John Muir Award.

We left at 9.30am to begin the 20minute walk to the Glen, we had to be well prepared with our lunches and sensible clothing and shoes for the day! It was a pretty soggy day so most of us had wellies or walking boots and waterproofs  to keep dry!

We made our first stop at the very start of the walk just off the golf course where we stopped to do some activities on Lichen and Tree classification, we used flow charts to identify the different characteristics of the tree to find out what they were!

We then walked on for another 20minutes or so until we made it to a big field. There we completed the majority of our activities, things like…

Eau D’Outdoors – where we created our own perfumes from the leaves, berries and scents of the outdoors.

I Can See A Rainbow – we found a variety of different coloured objects in the field and woods of the colours of the rainbow!

Tree Measuring –  we used the strategies we had learned last week to measure the height and girth of the trees in the field and recorded this in our books, we found a variety of different trees and heights.

Senses Alphabet – we used our senses to find something from each letter of the alphabet… Not sure anyone managed to find x and z though!

We also looked at activities with mirrors and looking at the world from a different point of view,

Afterwards it was time for lunch and we were lucky enough to be able to eat it outside!

The final activity we completed after lunch was visiting the Robert Louis Stevenson cave. In groups we entered the cave and thought about words we could use to describe it ready for some imaginative writing this week.

We arrived back at school at 2.20pm, tired and muddy after our busy day!


P7 Outdoor Learning

Primary 7 have started working towards their John Muir Awards. As part of this award our P7 learners are starting to learn about their local area, for this we will be visiting Kippenrait Glen (the Darn Walk). Yesterday we had to take our learning outdoors to practise some of the activities we will be completing when we visit the Glen next week!

We worked with Mr Gall to measure the height of trees with just a pencil, measuring tape and a friend, Miss May helped us to use touch to explore some of the plants we have in our school playground and Mrs Hislop taught us to use our other senses – sight, smell and sound to complete a senses alphabet looking at the sights, sound and smells of our local environment!

We are looking forward to taking our learning to the Glen next week!