Reading Buddies

Primary 5 and 6 children are enjoying being reading buddies.  So far they have read 2 books to their Primary 2 buddies.  On Tuesday they read One Button Benny and today they read I am Bat.  Here are some things the Primary 5 and 6 children said about reading I am Bat to Primary 2’s-

-“I liked it that the Primary 2’s were interested and could choose their own fruit and animal as a follow up task.”   Anna

-“I liked how my reading buddies were so amused by my reading and they could tell me about what happened at the end.” Sophie H

-“I liked it how you could use expression and how the younger children laughed.”  David

-“The Primary 2’s said really positive things  about our reading, that was really good.”  Hannah

-“I liked how the P2’s actually really liked the book and that they were laughing and wanted to hear it again.” Kevin