Awesome Apple Crumble

Yesterday, Primary 5S spent the afternoon in the learning lab making delicious apple and sultana crumble.  To make some yourself simply follow the recipe below.

You will need;

3 large apples, a handful of sultanas, 175g plain flour, 110g golden caster sugar and 110g butter


  1. First pre-heat your oven to 190 degrees celcius
  2. Next peel and chop your apples before placing in a large bowl
  3. Then add 2 tbsp of golden caster sugar and a handful of sultanas before mixing thoroughly
  4. Place your mix into a baking tin and spread evenly
  5. For your crumble mix, add 175g plain flour, 110g golden caster sugar and 110g butter into a bowl
  6. Then use your fingertips to rub in your butter until the mix begins to look like moist breadcrumbs.  Shake your bowl to allow any larger lumps to come to the top and rub these in too
  7. Next, spread the crumb mixture on top of the apples and press down with a fork
  8.  Finally,put your tin into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown

As you can see from the pictures, we were all very pleased with our crumbles and the verdict is they tasted delicious!