Security Policy

Drymen Nursery


Policy Statement

At all times, the safety, well being and security of the children is of prime importance.  Procedures to ensure this are based on guidelines laid down by Stirling Council’s Health & Safety and Children’s Services.


The aim of the Policy is to inform parents, carers, staff and all service users of the recommended procedures.


  • Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times when arriving or leaving the nursery.
  • The adult should make contact with a member of the nursery staff both on arrival and departure so that they are aware that the child is either in, or has left, the building.
  • It is the responsibility of staff to sign children into nursery using the register. This should be completed by 10am and 2pm and will be checked by a member of the SLT as this forms a record of who is in the building at any one time.
  • This record is crucial for safe evacuation in the possible event of fire.
  • A secure door entry system is in place, which is operated by all staff. The door should never be opened before identifying whoever wishes entry.
  • Parents are requested on enrolment to indicate who will collect their child. At any time, when the child is to be collected by a different person, the parent is asked to inform the Nursery or Keyworker of this.  If this adult is unknown to staff, a photograph or password will be asked for.
  • All visitors are required to sign in and out in the record provided. ID may be requested.
  • All users should ensure door is securely closed when entering or exiting the building.
  • The door should never be wedged open at any time, e.g. on delivery of goods. At this time a member of staff should always be in attendance.
  • Supply staff should be informed of the Policy on Security and in particular, the door entry system.


In implementing these procedures, security and safety of all children, families and staff members is ensured, as far is possible.  Parents and other users of the Service are made aware of their responsibilities in ensuring the safety of all children.

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