Non Attendance and Unexplained Absence of Children Policy

Drymen Nursery

 Non Attendance and Unexplained Absence of Children Policy

This policy should be used when there is a child absent without the nursery being made aware.

  •  It is the responsibility of all Parents and Carers to inform the nursery if their child/children are not attending the nursery that day for any reason.
  • If having completed the register the Senior Staff are aware that a child that should be in nursery is not in attendance by 10.00am for a morning session or 2.00pm for an afternoon session, they must inform the Admin Assistant who will contact the family.
  • If no one can be contacted a message should be left for the parent/carer to contact the nursery as soon as possible.
  • Senior Staff should keep calling the family throughout the day if appropriate.
  • If contact can’t be made on any of the given phone numbers, then Senior Staff should try and contact relatives and other emergency contacts if appropriate.
  • If there is still no contact, then the Principal of nursery should be informed and the PECE will make the decision based on the knowledge of the family how to progress the situation.
  • Parents will be informed of this procedure at the Key Worker Introductory Meeting.

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