Lunchtime Guidelines

Literacy and English Policy

Drymen Nursery

Lunchtime Guidelines

 Build up to Lunch

 Lunchtime should be a calm homely experience where children can enjoy a healthy lunch in the company of their friends.  Staff are encouraged to sit with the children, supporting conversations as required.  This is a good time to carry out the review part of the children’s planning and ask about their morning, weekend, evening etc.  Children should be encouraged to share and take turns whilst sitting at the table and promoting life skills such as cutting and pouring and kindness and love.

Lunchtime is a good time to encourage children to think about Learning for Sustainability.  We should be encouraging children to recycle as much as possible.  Our healthy eating policy and health and wellbeing strategy give further guidance towards this.

Our Lunchtime assistant should ensure that there is an adequate amount of tables and chairs out for the number of children in nursery.  They can then be supported by a child to set up glasses, cutlery, milk and water.  Table cloths, plastic plants etc. can be added to make the experience more homely.

Recycling buckets, bins and other items should be layed out ready for children

The lunch assistant should ensure that they know how many of meal should be arriving and any packet lunches are taken from the lunch fridge.  This information is recorded on the signing in sheet in the vestibule and is the responsibility of parents.

Once lunch has arrived the lunch assistant should notify the staff team and children can then be supported to start the transition to lunch time.

Children’s Lunch

  1. Children are invited to go to the toilet and then wash their hands before lunch.
  2. Lunch assistant to dish up lunches on to plates and place on the tables.
  3. When returning from the bathroom children are encouraged to remember what they have chosen for lunch. Staff to support as required.
  4. Children choose where to sit (table and seat) in relation to their lunch choice.
  5. Children can begin eating lunch once sat down.
  6. Fruit will be placed in the middle of the table to be shared as soon as all mains have been given out. Staff at tables to monitor and ensure everyone is getting a fair amount. Soup to start being cooled.
  7. Children are encouraged to pass milk or water jugs to their friends, if required. Staff can support by passing fruit and vegetables around table and replenishing milk and water when required.
  8. Soup should be served once all children are eating and all items are on the table. Lunch assistant to offer and give these out as required.
  9. Anyone who is eating should be sat at a table to encourage good manners to all.
  10. Children are encouraged to talk about experiences, tell stories, listen to one another, sharing news, achievements and day at nursery etc.
  11. Once children are finished their main they should be offered the choice of pudding for that day. This is usually fruit or a yoghurt.
  12. When children have finished eating, they will be invited to put their food waste, plate, glass and cutlery in the appropriate places. Once this has been carried out they will be supported to brush their teeth in small groups (see toothbrushing policy).
  13. Once finished direct the children to their individual planning and share what will be on offer in the afternoon session.

The lunch assistant can be cleaning worktops, catering containers and additional dishes while children are still eating.

Once Lunch is finished

Once all children have finished the lunch assistant should load the dishwasher, clean tables/ table cloths, sweep the floor and return items back to their original location.  If there is any additional time the lunch fridge etc. can be cleaned in line with weekly cleaning procedures.

Additional Information

  • Staff to children ratios should be maintained throughout lunchtimes.
  • Staff who are supporting children’s lunches should remain at tables where possible throughout the lunch time experience.
  • If staff have any concerns over the quality of lunch foods these should be raised with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

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