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Religious Observance and Religious Education

 The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 states that there is a statutory obligation on local authorities to provide religious observance and religious education in schools.  Religious observance focuses on the development of each individual within the school community.  As a school we are required to provide religious observance at least 6 times in a school year, in addition to traditional celebrations central to the life of the community.  At Wester Overton we plan to meet this requirement through our Assembly Programme.  Religious and Moral Education is a statutory core subject for all pupils attending Primary education.

All parents have the right to ask for their child to be withdrawn from Religious observance and/or Religious and Moral Education.  If this is the case for your child(ren), please do not hesitate to get in touch.

In line with South Lanarkshire Council’s guidance on Chaplaincy in non-denominational schools, I must also share the role of our Chaplain, Reverend Shaw Paterson, from Trinity Parish Church:

  • Reverend Paterson will attend some of our assemblies on a Tuesday. He may lead some of these, sharing stories with general moral messages.
  • Bubble Gum and Fluff is a planned event for our P6 pupils usually at the beginning of December. Bubblegum ‘n’ Fluff provides churches and chaplains a way of exploring with Primary 6 children the Christian meaning of Christmas.
  • Our Easter and Summer services are hosted at Trinity Parish Church where Rev Paterson will welcome and deliver thanks.
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