Please see attached an update from Mrs Mechan regarding remote learning. This update includes some next steps we hope to take with remote learning from Monday.
Can we also take this opportunity to thank all of our families for their ongoing support with home learning- you are all doing a fabulous job!
Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂
We survived day 1!
Well done to all of our pupils, parents and staff on surviving day one of #onlinelearning It was so lovely to see and hear from many of our pupils about their holidays as well as seeing what you have been learning today! Keep up the great work everyone. Â See you all tomorrow for day 2!
Welcome back!
Staff are looking forward to meeting back up with all pupils online tomorrow morning between 10am and 11am when we start our home learning together for the next few weeks.
Parents should support their child to communicate at some point during that time with the class teacher and anyone facing any issues in doing so should contact the school where they will be given additional support as required. We looking forward to hearing from all our pupils tomorrow