Category Archives: Weekly Home Learning Posts

Home Learning 26.05.20

Good morning everyone 🌞
I hope you all had a great long weekend with your families and I would love to hear what you all got up to.

This week, there won’t be a new Wednesday Challenge as I am going to repost the last one. There wasn’t a lot of time for this last week so hopefully that gives you some more time to have a go.

Below is this weeks suggested learning tasks. Remember just to do whatever suits your household best. On that note, well done grown ups! I know how busy you all are at home and how difficult these times can be. I just wanted to say thank you for finding the time to send in lovely messages and photographs of the tasks your children are doing at home. I love seeing them all!
(Remember to put Room 4 Miss Laidlaw in 
the subject box)

Usually around this time, we start to prepare our auditions for the event of the year 🙂 As we obviously will not get to share our talents on stage this year, we thought we would bring the stage to you! This is just a message to get you thinking – do you have a talent you would like to share? We are going to ask for video clips (20 Seconds) to collate and put together nearer the end of the term. The video will be shared on the Burnside Primary Twitter (as it is private) and will have a song playing over them. Try to pick some unique talents (audio won’t work for singing/jokes etc)

If you want to take part, you do not have to send in any video clips in just yet – I’ll let you know when 🙂 But get thinking!


Click the spelling tab at the top to find activities you can do to learn  your words.


Punctuation – Click the link below to find different flashcards with incorrect sentences on them. Your job is to write out the sentence correctly, fixing the capital letters and full stop errors.
Correct the Capital Letters and Full Stops

Reading and Writing
Personal Reading (20 mins each day) Remember you can access lots of online stories by clicking the reading tab at the top of the page.

Click the link below to find your group’s story with follow up reading and writing activities to pick  from.

(You don’t have to do all of this, it’s a lot. Please pick and choose the activities you would like to do)

Wombats Reading and Writing Activities
Diary of a Wombat

Pineapples and Grapes 
Superheros All Sorts Story
Reading and Writing Activities

Teddys Lists Story
Teddies List Reading Activities
Teddys Lists Writing Activities



Activity 1 – Calculation
All groups – Revise Addition. (Using addition facts you already know to help add bigger numbers)
Circles – Stick to numbers below 30 unless you are feeling really confident.

Squares and Triangles – Multiplication (I suggest having a go at the Addition first:) )

(Although I know some of our boys and girls are already learning their times tables and enjoy doing this. This is not required at their stage so please don’t worry. In P2, the children are just learning about the concept of multiplication and the idea that it is an easier way to do repeated addition. If they do really want to practise times tables –  I would stick to 2, 5 and 10)

Activity 2 – Calendar
All Groups
Months of The Year
Days of The Week

Extra challenge for squares (or anyone who feels very confident/secure in the above tasks)
Using a Calendar Game

Activity 3 – Money

Toy Shop Money
Squares  and Triangles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then exact money ‘up to 20p or up to £1 for challenge’.  You can also try giving change up to 20p.

Circles – Try clicking ‘Mixed Coins’ and then Exact Money ‘Up to 20p’.

If the above game is a bit tricky, try this game below for a reminder about what the coins look like and  how to sort them. We should know all coins to £1.

Coins Game

P.E and Movement Activities


This will be our mini topic focus for May (This is the last week). Click the link below to find activity ideas. For some of these activities there are activity sheets to match – I’ll put them in the tab at the top of the page – or you can make your own.

Dinosaurs mini topic


(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Below are some fun STEM activities to do at home. There’s quite a lot so I have put a few below and the rest on the science tab at the top. You could pick one or two and come back to the others later.

Ice Escape
Ice Escape Investigation Activity
Ice Escape Investigation Prompt Card

Paper Towel Rainbow
Paper Towel Colour Mixing Activity

Growing Plants
Plants From Your Kitchen

STEM Challenges
STEM Challenege 

Extra Activities
  • Take part in our virtual school trip
  • Browse previous tasks/activities you may have missed
  • Participate in our Wednesday Challenge (or any previous weekly challenges)
  • Browse curriculum pages at top of blog to find an array of different activities added to regularly.


Have a wonderful week everyone 🙂 I miss you all lots, every day!

Miss Laidlaw




Home Learning W/B 11.05.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to make the most out of the lovely weather we’ve been getting 🙂 As always grown ups, do whatever is manageable. I will hopefully have the tabs above updated this week to include different activities across the curriculum if you are looking for extra things to do. They won’t be fully completed as I will just keep adding to them as we go.

As usual, send any pictures of the learning throughout the week before Friday afternoon for our ‘Fantastic Work Fridays’ and If there is anything I can help with please email me. Remember that this address is used by all of the classes, please put Miss Laidlaw Room 4 to ensure I don’t miss any.


Remember to try  20 minutes of personal reading each day. If you are limited at home with reading books, I have collated some online reading/eBook resources in the tab at the top or you could read comics, blogs, magazines and personal fiction/non-fiction books you have at home. Below are some reading activities that can be done with personal reading (there are lots more on the ‘reading’ tab).

This week I thought our reading and comprehension could link in with our Dinosaurs topic.
Click the link below for the correct group to find a PDF to read all about dinosaurs. Try to answer the questions in complete sentences.

Strawberries and Pineapples
Dinosaurs Reading Comprehension

Grapes and Lemons
Dinosaurs Reading Comprehension

Remember, VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) are tools that we use to help improve our writing and add detail. This week’s focus is Punctuation. Click the link below for the correct group.

Strawberries and Pineapples

Grapes and Lemons


This week’s writing task is to write a letter to someone that you are missing right now. It could be a friend, family member, someone from school or someone from a club. You could   tell this person what kind of things you are missing and what you’re most looking forward to when we no longer have to stay home. You could also tell them what you have been doing to keep busy. Think about all of the things a letter needs and of course remember all of our writing targets like wow words, connectives, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.



* Say, make/break, blend, read and write your words.
* Suggested spelling activities are at the top of the page
* Remember to test yourself on how much you remember at the end of the week and practise any you still find tricky.



Activity 1 – Counting
New pods for everyone this week (as well as the shape ones that should still be there) is a variety of ‘counting’ activities to revise.

Activity 2 – Learn Its/calculation
Below are some games to reinforce fast recall of number bonds, addition facts and doubles

Activity 3 – 2D and 3D shapes

Hope you got on ok with last weeks Shape revision on study ladder and managed to remember lots. I will leave those pods active so that you can continue these if you haven’t managed to have a go yet. Here are some more activities to keep practising.

Just like this, you can have a shape hunt around your house to see what 2D shapes and 3D shapes you can find and sort.



Click the link to find a few 3D shapes worksheets – All About 3D Shapes Worksheet

Just like this worksheet, you can draw 2D shapes, label with their name, number of edges and number of vertices (the pointy corners).
Activity 4 – Measure
Continuing on from last week where we began to look at measure. Click on the link below to keep learning about measuring height and length.

Measuring Height and Length (2)

  • Joe Wicks PE (every morning at 9am)
  • Active Schools Challenges (Twitter – every Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • Jump Start Jonny (New videos every Monday or lots available on website)
  • GoNoodle (Dance, exercise and mindfulness videos available)


Last week I mentioned our mini topic is Dinosaurs! This will be our topic focus for May
Click the link below to find activity ideas. For some of these activities there are activity sheets to match – I’ll put them in the tab at the top of the page – or you can make your own.

Dinosaurs mini topic


Extra Activities


  • Art – Thanks to Mrs Steele for spotting this fun outdoor art activity

  • Browse the curriculum tabs at the top of the page(from Tuesday)
  • Take part in our virtual school trip
  • Complete this weeks Wednesday Challenge (or any of the previous weekly challenges)


Have a great week everyone!

Miss Laidlaw🌈




Home Learning 4/4/20

Good Morning everybody! Welcome back to another sunny week of home learning (hopefully!)

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Below is this week’s activities. As always, you can pick and choose whatever suits you. My suggestion is to try to complete one Numeracy and one Literacy activity each day.

I’m going to post a little bit less this week, as if we were at school the children would only be in 3 days. So take advantage of that long weekend if you can. If you want to keep them busy feel free to browse the resources that have been posted previously.

Remember you can share your learning via

Just three activities this week but remember to try and do some personal reading – this can be a magazine, a book, a comic etc

Click on the spelling tab at the top for some activities that will help you practise your spelling words. Remember to say, make/break, blend, read and write.

It really helps to do a little spelling test and the end of the week to see how much you have learned or if there are any words you still need to work on.

Red Team
Your phoneme this week comes from the same sound family as last week’s word. That means it’s a bit trickier because it sounds the same but it looks different.

‘ou’ Phoneme – count, house, round, outside, sound, mouse
Common Words – round, found, wish, men

Purple Team
‘au’ Phoneme – sauce, because, applaud, pause, Paul, Laura (remember Capital letters for names)
Common Words – because, week, keep, when

Yellow Team
Keep working on ‘th’
‘th’ Phoneme – thin, with, cloth, thick, thorn, thud, moth
Common Words – this, that, then

Keep working on your joined up handwriting. I know this isn’t everybody’s favourite…but keep practising! The more you do the easier it gets and I will be blown away when you come back to school. Remember if you have already had a go at this sheet. You can practise on paper. You can even try making a sentence with these joined up words.

Focus on Comp
Remember to try and answer using complete sentences, with capital letters and full stops.

Strawberries, Pineapples and Grapes



Activity 1
RBS have provided some great money resources and activities. If you click the links below it will take you to some resources about coins and notes.

Coins and Notes

Coins and Notes Learning Guide

What coins and notes do we use?

What is that coin?

If you are interrested RBS are also providing interactive MoneySense Mondays lessons on the RBS facebook page every Monday morning from 11.30pm. First level is the first half hour.

Activity 2
This weeks pods are all about 2D and 3D shapes. It has been quite a while since we have learned this so I hope it refreshes those memories. Please let me know if you need a new login/password – I know its been a few weeks now since these were sent out.

Activity 3
Measuring height and length
Although you looked at this a little in P1, we haven’t looked at this yet this year. However, I thought this would be a good one to start looking at with your grown ups at home 🙂 Click the link below for some activity suggestions.

Measuring Height and Length WK 4

As well as the usual;

* Joe Wicks PE
* Jump Start Jonny
* Active Schools Challenges on twitter

Click the link below for some other activities to get you moving

twinkl move pe

Go Noodle is also a great resource for dance videos, yoga videos and mindfulness chill out videos. There are some funny ones on there the kids love too (be warned you may be singing them in your head afterwards) I think you need to set up an account but it’s free.

Extra Activities

I know that some of you have been working very hard, creating wonderful WW1 tanks, trenches and enjoying learning about The First World War. You can continue to work on this and if you really want to keep learning more about WW1 you can keep doing your own personal research.

Since this is what would be our new term, I thought we could have a look at a mini topic at home. The mini topic is going to be all about DINOSAURS. Below is a topic web that has lots of ideas you could do at home all about but you could also come up with your own ideas. Find a link to the PDF file of this picture here:
Dinosaurs mini topic


When I was working with the P2 boys and girls in the hub last week, we had a great time learning all about minibeasts. They made some fantastic ladybirds, snails and caterpillars. It was a really fun art activity and mostly using paper – so if you have paper at home you could have a go.

Here is step by step of the ladybird as that one was a bit trickier.

Finally, I am going to create some tabs at the top of the page for each subject area and I’ll continue to add suggestions there to dip in and out of – or if you have missed previous activities they’ll all be in one place. There will be some different art ideas in the ‘Art’ tab at the top of the page. Keep an eye out for this on Monday or Tuesday.

Have a great ‘short’ week boys and girls 🙂 Miss you all!

Miss Laidlaw


Home Learning w/b 27.4.20

Good morning boys and girls (and grown ups) Happy Monday!

Remember, only to do whatever you can. Some days, that might be nothing and that is absolutely fine 🙂


This week we are going to keep working on joining up our letters. Remember you should be trying not to lift your pencil off of the paper when you are joining the letters. Some letters don’t join which means there are some words where you might have to lift your pencil – like after the letter ‘b’ in ‘b i g’.

Focus on Comp

Read through the text and answer the questions. Remember to practise writing in full sentences.

Strawberries, Grapes and Pineapples





















Personal Reading – 15 mins each day
You can chose your own reading books or use the free books website I posted last week to find a book to read.

Although I am providing a couple of options for reading this week. Just pick and choose which suits best.

Similar to last week, click on the link and follow the activities provided.

Strawberries, Grapes and Pineapples
Week 4 The house that Dad Built


Alternatively, using your own personal reading book. You can choose one or two of these activities:

  • Summarise the book you have chosen. We’ve done this loads. Remember just the important parts! and don’t forget capital letters and full stops.
  • Create a new front cover for the book you have chosen. Don’t forget the title, author and illustrator.
  • Be a text detective. See if you can spot any of this weeks spelling words in the book.

From this week, I’m going provide new spelling phonemes/common words. You can click on the ‘Spelling’ tab at the top of the page to see a variety of spelling activities you can carry out to practise your words. At the end of week I would suggest trying to complete a spelling test with your grown ups to see how much you have learned. This will probably be the only ‘new’ learning  as such every week.

REMEMBER – Show your grown ups how to ‘say, make/break, blend, read, write’ these words. We are experts at this! If you have a whiteboard and magnetic letters at home you could use those to make your own spelling board. If not, you could try writing each phoneme on a small piece paper and on a flat surface still using your 5 finger approach.

Red Team
‘ow’ – owl, brown, growl, now, crown, allow
common words – how, where, now, too

Purple Team
‘oi’ – boil, spoil, coin, most, toilet, join
common words – their, some, then, last

Yellow Team
th – thin, with, cloth, thick, thorn, thud, moth
common words – this, then, that

(th is tricky – there’s a video below to help you)



Learns Its
Below are the ‘Learn its’ for this term (for all groups). These can be practised a little bit each week to ensure speedy recall.

Activity 1
Use the login card from the home learning pack to login to study ladder. I have set up a pod for each maths group. There are a couple of things to do so have a play about with it since it’s the first time we’ve had a go.

Activity 2
Click on the link below to practise rounding to the nearest 10. Squares – challenge yourself by rounding 3d numbers to the nearest 10. Triangles and circles – Keep working on 2d.

Week 4 Rounding

Activity 3
Click on the links below to practise adding and subtracting 10. Squares – You could try using numbers above 100…

Adding 10

Subtracting 10

Activity 4
Use doorway online to practise o’clock and half past times. We have learned all about this already so impress your grown ups with how much you remember.

Remember there are lots of other maths games you can use to keep practising all the things learned so far on Top Marks. The ‘numeracy’ tab at the top lists things we have learned so far 🙂

If you are looking for something different – The Jump Start Jonny videos are great fun to get us moving and dancing to some music. He has a YouTube channel where he’ll be posting something new every Monday! And he has a website with lots of free activities too.

I know that home learning can be tricky and we might be spending lots more time looking at our screens – I know I am! Here are some screen-free ideas you could try to help clear those busy minds and relax a bit.

Screen Free Activities

The link below has some wonderful colouring activities that you could display on your window.

Key worker colouring



Have a go at some of the French colours games. You might want to try the lessons first to remind yourself.

With your grown up, have a go at some research this week. Try to find out what the children did during the war. Did they stay at school? Would they have been able to do home learning like us? What toys did they play with?
You could even make a poster to show what you have learned 🙂

Again, there are loads of links. Please let me know via the comment if there are any issues. I will be helping the boys and girls in the Calderwood hub this week so at times I may be a bit slower to reply than usual. Have a great week everybody!

Miss Laidlaw