Tag Archives: Lunch Menu

What’s Happening? Monday 21st – Friday 25th October

We hope you have all had a great October Break and are all enjoying the last day.

We have lots happening in school next week.






Our monthly calendar for November, apologies for the omission of the PTA Halloween Disco which is on Tuesday 29th October.  P1-3 from 6.15pm until 7.15pm and 7.30pm until 8.30pm.






This week is the final week of the current Menu.  We are 2.

The new menu will begin on Monday 28th October and has already been distributed.




What’s Happening? Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and were able to make the most of the holiday weekend.

Our P7 pupils are at Lockerbie Manor all week and will be having a fabulous time trying out new things and learning new skills.  We have a busy week in the rest of the school too.






September is almost finished so here’s what is happening in October.  Further information about certain events will be sent out separately and a newsletter should be with you this week.






Lunch this week is from Week 3.

What’s Happening? Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th September

Hope everyone is managing to enjoy the sunshine, squeezing the last wee bit out of Summer.

This week is a short week for us with the school being closed on Friday 27th and Monday 30th for the September Weekend Holidays.






Our calendar for the rest of September.  October’s calendar will be issued next week.







The menu this week comes from Week 2.  Please remember to pay via ParentPay.

What’s Happening? Monday 2nd September – Friday 6th September

Welcome to the first ‘What’s Happening?” of the session.






Our monthly update gives you an idea on what is happening for the rest of the month.  Dates can change and be added, sometimes at short notice.






This week our lunch menu is from Week 2.  Please have a wee look and see what you would like to eat each day.

What’s Happening? Monday 27th – Friday 31st May

How can it be the end of May, this month has flown by and there is no sign of things slowing down.  This week we are off for the late May bank holiday on Monday and we are looking forward to welcoming some of our new P 1 pupils into the school.  Have a look below and see what is happening in our amazing school.

Our calendar for June will be added as soon as we have all the dates confirmed.

Next week is week 3 of the menu.  Please remember to have a wee look to make sure you like what is on the menu for each day.  Next week is Week 3.